Gegia è una meticcia maremmana sui dieci anni che ha fatto parte di un gregge stanziale nei pressi del rifugio. Lei seguiva le pecore fin da cucciola, la vedevamo passare ogni giorno e in età puberale la sterilizzammo per proteggerla da inutili gravidanze. Col tempo l abbiamo vista invecchiare di più rispetto a cani suoi coetanei, finché l.anno scorso è stata proprio lei a chiederci aiuto. Passava con le pecore e lei si fermava al nostro cancello e rimaneva lì sdraiata. Ogni giorno faceva così. L abbiamo fatta entrare e come se ne avesse bisogno, ha dormito per giorni. Mangiato e dormito. Ora fa le sue sgambature, pacifica. Meriterebbe un legame affettivo. È un po' timida. Più adatto per lei l.ambiente di campagna. |
Gegia is a mixed-breed Maremma dog, about ten years old, who grew up as part of a stationary flock near the shelter. From the time she was a puppy, she followed the sheep, and we would see her pass by every day. When she reached puberty, we had her spayed to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Over the years, we noticed that she seemed to be aging faster than other dogs her age. Then, last year, Gegia made the decision herself to seek our help. She began stopping at our gate after passing by with the flock, lying down as if waiting for something. She did this every day. Finally, we let her in, and it was clear how much she needed it. She spent days sleeping, eating, and simply resting. It was as though she finally felt safe enough to let go. Now, Gegia enjoys peaceful little walks and a calm, quiet life. She deserves to find a loving bond with someone who will appreciate her gentle nature. She’s a bit shy, so she would do best in a countryside environment where she can feel at ease. |