Roger è stato trovato mentre vagava per un villaggio vicino a Lamezia nella primavera del 2024, a malapena in grado di stare in piedi. Era affamato, debole e disperato in cerca di aiuto. Fortunatamente, è stato salvato e portato in un rifugio, dove è stato nutrito e accudito. Da allora, Roger è rifiorito, diventando un cane vivace ed energico, pieno di vita e amore. Ora, desidera profondamente il contatto umano, ansioso di condividere la sua ritrovata gioia con chi gli sta intorno. Roger prospererebbe in una casa con persone attive e avventurose—qualcuno che ama fare escursioni o condurre una vita attiva, proprio come lui. Attualmente vive da solo a causa della sua inesauribile energia, ma ha un grande potenziale per la famiglia giusta. |
Roger was found wandering a village near Lamezia in the spring of 2024, barely able to stand. He was starving, weak, and desperate for help. Thankfully, he was rescued and taken to a shelter, where he was nourished and cared for. Since then, Roger has blossomed into a vibrant, energetic dog, full of life and love. Now, he craves human connection, eager to share his newfound joy with those around him. Roger would thrive in a home with active, adventurous people—someone who enjoys hiking or leading an active life, just like him. While he currently lives alone due to his boundless energy, he is full of potential for the right family. Roger’s journey from the brink of despair to his renewed vitality is a testament to what love and care can do. If you are looking for a companion to share your adventures, please consider adopting Roger. He deserves a second chance at a happy life, and you could be the one to give it to him. |